Claims Management

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Claims Management

  • SMT Workers Comp Claims Handbook/FROI Instructions
  • Panel of Physicians
  • SMT Workplace Injury Packet
  • Workers Comp Insurance Cards
  • Return to Work or Modified Duty Program
  • Workers' Compensation Insurance Contacts
  • PCRB EMF Formula Changes

SMT Workers Comp Claims Handbook/FROI Instructions

SMT Workers Compensation Claims Handbook including FROI Instructions

The SMT Workers’ Compensation Claims Handbook offers is a step-by-step guide for an employer in submitting and managing a workers’ compensation claim. It includes detailed instructions for filing a First Report of Injury (FROI).

Panel of Physicians

SMT Program Physician Panels

The SMT program Panels of Physicians are developed by county geographic area and listed by county below.  The Panels have been compiled and vetted by the Trust’s claims adjuster at Inservco and meet the requirements of the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

SMT members are encouraged to adopt and post a Panel of Physicians in the workplace to assist with providing medical treatment for their injured employees.  Members may adopt more than one Panel of Physicians to meet the geographic needs of their employees.

To formally adopt and implement a workplace Panel of Physicians, please first contact a member of the SMT team at Benecon.

Notice of Rights & Duties

In compliance with Section 306(f.1)(1)(i) of the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act, along with a Panel of Physicians, employers must provide the employee a copy of an Acknowledgement of Rights and Duties that the employee must sign and return to the employer, both at the time of hire and at the time of workplace injury.

Panel of Physicians Template

The template below meets the regulations outlined in the Pennsylvania Workers’ Compensation Act for a Panel of Physicians regarding the name, address, and phone number of the claims adjuster — for SMT, that is Inservco. Additionally, customized provider information to be included in the template must include the provider’s name, address, phone number, and specialty.

To formally adopt and implement a workplace Panel of Physicians, please first contact a member of the SMT team at Benecon.

SMT Workplace Injury Packet

SMT Workplace Injury Packet

The SMT Workplace Injury Packet offers materials to assist both the employer and the injured employee in a workers’ compensation claim. The packet is intended to be customized to the employer’s specific policies and considerations.

Workers Comp Insurance Cards

Workers Comp Insurance Cards

The card for Inservco contains contact information for submitting medical reports, billing, and other correspondence to the claims adjuster.

The card for Keyscripts contains information about workers’ compensation prescription benefits.

Both cards are also available in the SMT Workplace Injury Packet.

Return to Work or Modified Duty Program

RTW Overview

The following links provide a general overview of the benefits, details, and processes related to a successful Return-to-Work program.

RTW Policy Templates

Use these templates to help create a Return-to-Work policy specific to your organization’s needs.

Light/Modified Duty Job Bank Lists

These lists contain suggestions for jobs and tasks that may be appropriate for employees who have been approved for modified-duty work. Be sure the modified-duty work and job description are within the physical restrictions provided in writing by the injured employee’s medical provider. Please communicate directly with the Inservco claims adjuster when modified-duty work is considered.

Sample RTW Letters

These letters serve as templates for customized Return-to-Work letters to employees. Please communicate directly with the Inservco claims adjuster when modified-duty or full-duty Return-to-Work is considered.

Additional RTW Resources

SMT’s professional partners at Midwest Employers Casualty (excess insurance) and Inservco (claims), as well as the PA Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, offer additional resources to help you develop and implement a successful Return-to-Work program unique to your organization’s needs. Feel free to review and utilize these resources as needed.

Workers' Compensation Insurance Contacts

Workers' Compensation Insurance Contacts

Click on the link below for a complete list of claims contacts at SMT and Inservco.


PCRB EMF Formula Changes

PCRB EMF Formula Changes

Click here to learn about the new changes the PCRB implemented in calculating the experience Mod.